Posts tagged wedding lisboa
Flowers in my Heart - Ju & Vasco - Palácio de Seteais Flowery Wedding

Flowers everywhere. This day is a big beautiful flower in itself. I’m not sure if I’ve ever documented a day that was blooming beautifully full of flowers as this one, stunning work of the breathtaking artistry of Marta of Flow. The quietness of the preparations is still one of my favorite parts of any wedding day and you can realize so by the amounts of it I share here. Hand-painted menu, tablecloths, and placements, and even the bridesmaids stunning dresses were everything carefully thought and created by Ju at Isolda. Brasil and Portugal united into one gorgeous party with amazing vendors.

I still also feel very humbled that this wedding was selected by You can read more about this day and see their selection of images with special captions by Ju, on their website HERE.

Lauren and Marty - Sintra Moody Wedding Photography

Sometimes you’re reminded of how impactful the simple things can get to be, how they can beautifully get to us, under our skin. This day was so long ago already but I didn’t want it to go by unpublished because it always reminds me of the why I started shooting weddings. Sometimes I get to photograph absolutely masterly put together weddings, aesthetically driven colossus, and I am so so grateful for that. But other times I get to photograph simplicity and to be honest that’s where this honour gets to me. And Lauren and Marty will always remain some of my favorite people in this life.

It rained and sunned on this day. The passing of the seasons in a single day. And not for a moment they took their eyes from each other. From the first look to the ceremony to the sharing of moments with their closest family and family who traveled all the way from Ireland and other parts of the world to celebrate their love with each other. To teary and funny speeches and to the presence of even those who were gone too soon (yet never truly gone), present in little tokens on their attire and hearts, this was a day that is full of what I love most to document. And not only to document but to also witness as a girl who believes kindness to be the most powerful foundation of humanity. And that is what I found in Lauren and Marty,

A day filled with wonder of the simplicity, against the odds of life’s turns and twists. They found each other and that is what they vowed to protect from this day on - the singleness of a moment their worlds collapsed and made it possible to carry love as an emblem.

Also the party was insanity represented. And I loved every moment of this day.

Marta & Afonso - A city Wedding in Lisbon - Montes Claros

Por vezes demoro bastante tempo a publicar no blog algo que fotografei num momento específico da vida. Mas nem sempre consigo evitar revisitar um dia tão lindo apenas passado um pouco mais tempo do que seria de esperar, depois de ser testemunha desses momentos em tempo real. Parece que me desloco a uma nuvem de nostalgia imensa e intensa, e isso é tão bonito.

A Marta e o Afonso são duas almas lindas que amam a sua cidade, as suas pessoas e o seu incrível ser de quatro patas que é o Zé. Hoje a sua família tão bonita já tem mais um membro, e eu sinto-me tão grata de poder testemunhar o que de tão bom e bonito acontece àqueles que em mim confiaram, durante o resto da sua vida.

Sinto-me imensamente grata por vocês os dois Marta e Afonso. Para comemorar também isso, aqui está uma selecção do vosso dia e das memórias que criaram através de tanto amor.


Sometimes it takes me a long time to blog but I can’t help but want to revisit beautiful days only a bit after actually witnessing them in real time. It feels like I move into an immense and intense cloud of nostalgia and it is so beautiful.

Marta and Afonso are two beautiful souls who love their city, their people and their four-legged Zé. Today their beautiful family has already another member, and I feel so grateful to be able to witness everything so beautiful that comes to those who have trusted in me.

I feel immensely grateful for you two Marta and Afonso. So here’s a selection of your day and the memories that you have made through so much love.